
我想,这不只是安华的胜利,而是Permatang Pauh选民的胜利,而且是漂亮的胜利!

About psteng

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6 Responses to 漂亮的胜利!

  1. Siong Hua says:

    Hi Perng Shyang,I do have a few basic reasons for supporting the opposition. 1. I do believe that power tends to corrupt, the longer a party is in power the more corrupt they become. When Marcos of the Philippines first rose to power he was seen as hero to the people and was a good leader, but after many years in power he became very corrupted. The current government has been controlled by BN for more than 50 years, the longer they in power the more corrupt they tend to be. Generally it is always good to have a change in power. Newly elected government tend to be less corrupt when they first rose to power. However I do think that no party should be in power for more than 2 terms.2. Because the current government has been in power for more than 50 years, there has been no opportunity for other party to provide a check of balance on them. Once a new party rise to power they have the full capacity to uncover anything corrupt that were done by the previous government, without this the corruption will just become worse and worse over time. Likewise they new government would probably be aware that if they are only in power for 2 terms future government would also uncover any of their wrongdoings, thus reducing the incentive for acting corruptly. This is similar to what’s been practiced in western world, basically once a party is in power for 2 terms there tend to have a change in power to provide a balance.3. I do believe that human nature is sinful and everyone is flawed, thus no single group of people should be in power for an extended period of time (not even Christians – middle ages). Any measure to reduce power concentration on the same group of people over a long period of time is always a good measure.Just my 2 cents.

  2. Siong Hua says:

    Forgot to add that I do have some concern for the PR, mostly due to PAS’ plan to turn Malaysia into an Islamic country. But I think it is unlikely to happen in the near future as other parties in PR probably do not agree with that ideology.

  3. teng says:


  4. perngshyang says:


  5. perngshyang says:


  6. Rainbow says:

    will rainbow occurs after the pour? hopefully!

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